Category: work

  • Thoughts on ‘The ‘Busy’ Trap: Why We Feel we Need to Appear Busy

    A couple of weeks ago a friend on Facebook posted this link… The ‘Busy’ Trap by Tim Kreider. It’s an article about today’s society and how “busy” we all are. I can’t help but think we get trained to think we need to be busy, how to be busy. In college,…

  • Happiness Project: Reflecting on Energy Month

    In looking back over January, my pursuit of working on “Energy” taught me some interesting things. Part of my objective was to find ways to make the most of the time I have each day. And, to find ways to feel more peaceful and rested. A big “a ha!” moment…

  • December 2: Mock Interviews

    Day 2: Grateful for employment and a career path I enjoy. Today at work we had the opportunity to do a mock interview session with students from SJSU (San Jose State University). These students are part of a business club and came to our offices to learn more about credit…

  • My Dream Job(s) and My Plan for Work

    For those readers that have been following me for awhile, you’ll probably recall that my day to day job is a Project Manager. I’ve been working in advertising for about seven years, building websites and working in advertising agencies. It’s like Mad Men meets The Social Network. (LOL, that makes…

  • My New Job! My Couch Becomes an Office

    My dear friend Katey asked for another update and by golly, I’m happy to give the people what they ask for. My new job is with a small ad agency that started in Canada, but is now relocating to Oakland, California. I knew one of the guys, Darren, from a…

  • Ready to Put On My Big Girl Shoes

    Finally, the president of my current job made the announcement that I had resigned. I had been walking around on pins and needles waiting for it to happen for a week and a half. Other complaints aside, I’m relieved. Tomorrow I am officially double booked. In the morning, I’m meeting…

  • Hope is a Strategy

    “It’s not a matter of being correct, but of being connected.” – Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality This little quote has been tumbling around in my heart and my brain for several days now. It think it’s because I’ve been yearning for something that has been missing from…

  • Multi-tasking is Blowing My Mind

    In a recent post I mentioned that I’m working hard to keep focused and in the moment at work. The last couple of weeks have been a challenge in that arena. We’ve got four pretty big projects going on, and I just hired two new people for the department. In…

  • Learning to Live in The Moment at Work

    This week flew by. I’m sure it’s the combo of lots of work, of getting back from vacation, of feeling the “I’ve got to do all of this right now” nature of December. At work, we’re planning some big projects, that we need to triple bid and brief lots of…