Category: work

  • EB Sanders on Designing a Joyful and Meaningful Career

    EB Sanders on Designing a Joyful and Meaningful Career

    In this episode, I’m overjoyed to have EB Sanders joining me to talk about her work as a career coach, and how to design a career and a life that works for you. She has an amazing background of being a teacher, then a staffing and recruiting professional, and now…

  • 9 Lessons from a Brand New Entrepreneur

    9 Lessons from a Brand New Entrepreneur

    As a brand new entrepreneur, I’ve been paying attention to what this new role feels like for me. If you’re on my email list or listen to the podcast, you got the big announcement that I’m officially an entrepreneur now, a full time life coach and podcaster. A couple of…

  • What’s in Your Human “Job” Description?

    What’s in Your Human “Job” Description?

    Many times in life, we learn that there are things that define us well beyond our day to day jobs, or our relationships with others. I like to call one of these defining principals our Human Job Description. In my final year at Yale Divinity School, I was named the…

  • Speaking the Words of Your Dreams: On Being Honest With Myself About Changing Careers

    This blog has been such a journey of learning to speak the words of my dreams. It strikes me that even the choice of the name, Welcoming Spirit, was the open invitation for change and love and spirit to enter my life after my divorce eight years ago. And since…

  • The Dream is Free, The Hustle is Sold Separately: The Recession is Bullhonkey with The When I Grow Up Coach

    Today I’m pretty excited because I have a little guest post action going on over at Michelle’s blog. She has a cool series she calls “The Recession is Bullhonkey,” and in today’s post I share a bit about my job journey over the last few years. Here’s my post. It…

  • Add Intern Supervisor to My Resume. And, Let’s Talk About Wedding Dresses.

    I tend to freeze up and stop blogging when I’m super busy. Or sometimes I freeze up when I’m faced with things that are just too big to jump in and explain in a quick blogging format. Right now, I’m just plain-old-fashioned-busy. At work, I’m supervising three interns. It’s a…

  • The Search for Balance: New Priorities as a Working Mother

    I’m no stranger to busy-ness. I work, I have a three year old son, and I’m studying for the PMP (Project Management Professional) exam, I’m planning a wedding, and planning a retreat. Appropriately, the retreat is on …. balance. Life Changes Make us Rethink PrioritiesBalance has been that thing I’ve…

  • About My Last Year in a Terrible Job or Why I Left Advertising

    In the book Abundant Simplicity by Jan Johnson, I discovered a quote that hit home pretty hard for me. “Marketing folks have identified the masters we don’t even know we are serving. ‘Marketing theory says that people are driven by fear, by the promise of exclusivity, by guilt and by…

  • A Sheepish Hello!

    Welcoming Spirit has sat dormant for a year, and so I’m a bit sheepish as I come back and say a quiet “hello!” It’s been a year of big learnings, of bad jobs, and strange days. I was trying so very hard to find balance, and over the course of…