Jump Start Your Joy

Category: blog

  • Finding Balance in Your Life: A Free Course

    Finding Balance in Your Life: A Free Course

    As a coach, I get a lot of inquiries from women who are feeling too busy, overwhelmed, and like they are pulled in way too many directions to be doing anything very well. Finding balance in your life can be complicated. You may feel like your life is run by…

  • The 2016 Multi-Passionate Must-Haves Bundle is Now Available

    The 2016 Multi-Passionate Must-Haves Bundle is Now Available

    This week is going to be so much fun. First, I’m super excited to announce that the big Multi-Passionate Must-Haves Bundle is live! I put a big bow on my “Jump Start Your Podcast” guide, and it’s one of the 14 items that’s included in this amazing sale. I won’t…

  • Get Ready for the 2016 Multi-Passionate Must-Haves Bundle

    I’m pretty much over the moon to be included in this year’s Multi-Passionate Must-Haves Bundle. If you’ve been listening to my podcast, you know that I strongly identify with being a “Multi-passionate,” or, the kind of person that has a ton of interests, and is drawn to a wide array…

  • How to Stop “End Thinking” And Bring More Joy Into Your Life

    How to Stop “End Thinking” And Bring More Joy Into Your Life

    I don’t know about you, but I often come up with an awesome, big idea, and then my brain churns it over and over and then “OMG this is going to take too much effort and what the heck am I thinking?” Something that started out small, and probably pretty…

  • 9 Lessons from a Brand New Entrepreneur

    9 Lessons from a Brand New Entrepreneur

    As a brand new entrepreneur, I’ve been paying attention to what this new role feels like for me. If you’re on my email list or listen to the podcast, you got the big announcement that I’m officially an entrepreneur now, a full time life coach and podcaster. A couple of…

  • Dream Into Action: Commitment and a Tiny Acorn

    Dream Into Action: Commitment and a Tiny Acorn

    This morning, as I got to work, I reached into my coat pocket and found a tiny acorn. Every time I reach in and find the little acorn, it surprises me, even though it’s been in my pocket for five years. Five years ago, I was on a business trip…

  • Fun Halloween Dinner Ideas: Mummy Meatloaf, Monster Mash (Potatoes) and Dracula’s Dentures

    Fun Halloween Dinner Ideas: Mummy Meatloaf, Monster Mash (Potatoes) and Dracula’s Dentures

    Happy Halloween! Here are some fun Halloween dinner ideas that are sure to scare and delight your guests. Last night we had dinner with my sister’s family and I whipped up a frightful meal to celebrate the holiday. Ready to see this? Monster Mash (Potatoes) Just regular mashed potatoes, with…

  • Ten Time Management Strategies for Very Busy Working Moms

    Ten Time Management Strategies for Very Busy Working Moms

    For the last year or so, I’ve been juggling a ton of stuff, and I mean a TON of things. I want to be super clear that I am not glorifying the art of busy. I don’t really like busy, and you’ll see that I address the fact that this…

  • Using Intuition As Your Guide When You Are Struggling

    Using Intuition As Your Guide When You Are Struggling

    I found this poem tucked away in a journal, something I wrote about 2 years ago as I was struggling with my last job in advertising. What strikes me in that I was already using intuition as my guide, as I struggled to make sense of what didn’t fit about…