Category: choosing joy

  • The Recession: Finding Joy in Everyday Things

    Today the Retreat Planning Team met to talk about our March retreat. We always do a check in, just to see what’s happened in the last month with each other. It was interesting today that much of the conversation drifted into talk of the recession. One person’s job will likely…

  • Occasions to See God at Work

    “The challenge he poses is to discern in the midst of our darkness the light of God…How radically new my life would be if I were willing to move beyond blaming to proclaiming the works of God in our midst. I don’t think it has much to do with the…

  • Your Heart’s Deepest Desire

    A Franciscan friend once relayed a story to me of a time when he was discerning his life’s purpose. He went to his Benedictine mentor, a staunch, serious older gentleman and asked him for help in this discernment. And his mentor said, “Tell me, what is your heart’s deepest desire?…

  • The Ladybug Club

    When my family moved to California, back in 1982, we moved next door to an amazing family. It was just our luck that they had two girls, one my age, and the other just a couple of years younger than my sister. This was the beginning of a delightful friendship.…

  • Celebrating Failure

    In Improv, one of the things you learn really early on is to acknowledge and celebrate your failures. It’s part of the deal … there are times when a group of improvisors are doing something on the fly, and something goes terribly wrong. Or just becomes awkward. I think that’s…

  • Friday Afternoon Music: Elevator Love Letter

    There’s a little band from Canada called Stars, and I thought I needed to share this lovely tune with everyone for the reprisal of Friday Music. Here is “Elevator Love Letter”: I’ve found myself listening to this song on repeat, and wanting to climb into it and live the music…

  • Card Making Brings Me Peace

    I imagine that most people have something they love to do, something that brings them joy, and something that fulfills a passion they have. Perhaps they can explain why they love it. Perhaps they have no idea why this thing has captured their heart. For me, one of these things…

  • Free Things to add Joy to the Season

    An acquaintance said an odd thing to me today. When I made mention that it seems that there is something in the air, a certain anxiety and perhaps anger in the world around us, he quickly dismissed it and said “It’s because we’re coming up on a Pink Elephant holiday.…

  • Face to face with new heroes

    A long time ago (well maybe it was in 1995), I stood in line at the Virgin Megastore in San Francisco to see one of my heroes, Boy George. He was doing a book signing for his autobiography, “Take it Like a Man.” He was gracious. He was beautiful. I…