Category: confidence
Stasia Savasuk on Dressing for Confidence and Joy
Stasia Savasuk is an amazing style coach, has an outstanding Tedx Talk, and is the founder of Stasia’s Style School. She’s joining me on the show, and I’m delighted to share this interview. We giggled our way through our discussion, and had a hilarious time talking about style, what lights…
How to Find the Quiet Confidence to Make a Career Pivot with Laura Simms
Laura Simms, of Your Career Homecoming joins me for an interview on the podcast this week. Starting in 2011, Laura began working with people to help them find a career that provides the meaning, money, and impact they desire. In other words, she helps them find a career that feels…
Kelly Denithorne on Transgender Advocacy, Education, and Fashion
Kelly Denithorne is an educator, transgender advocate, and the blogger behind “Unordinary Style.” Kelly started her blog in 2010, and began it as a place to explore with her love of style while she was exploring women’s fashion. Born as a male, Kelly tried on several different titles for herself,…
A Mastermind Shares Proven Ways to Feel More Confident in Your Work and Life
A recent hot topic with my mastermind has been that of confidence. About two months ago, we did a webinar for the first time on it, and found that it was such a deep and wide topic. This episode is a two-part one … today you’ll get to hear part…
Embodying Inner Confidence with guest Tanika Mason
Tanika Mason is a confidence embodiment coach, dancer, and single mom, and I’m thrilled to have her join me on the podcast this week. What I love (and I know will resonate with so many of you) is that Tanika is a true multi-passionate person, following many of her interests…
Ep105: Love, Trust, and How To Connect with Your Spirituality with guest Christine Petty
Please upgrade your browser I’m super excited to have my friend, fellow coach and podcaster on the show this week, Christine Petty. Christine is the host of the show Free Her Spirit, where explores the important questions of spirituality. I always love chatting with her, and especially love our chat…