An interview with David Ramos on Jump Start Your Joy

Author David Ramos on Finding Hope and Truth in the Old Testament

David Ramos is the author of of four books, with one more coming out next week. He’s passionate about the stories of the Old Testament, and bringing them to life for the modern reader. This week’s episode holds a special place in my heart. David originally contacted me about reviewing his book, and I wrote him back and asked if he might like “to nerd out over the Old Testament on my podcast?” And, he accepted. I hope you enjoy this interview with author David Ramos on finding hope and truth in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament Offers Inspiration for David Ramos

We talk about the Old Testament, our favorite books and stories, and how these tales are still so very relevant and meaningful in today’s world. I think you’ll love how we weave in references to Marvel comics, zombies, and race cars as we talk about the truths and the hope that is carried in this ancient book. We laugh a lot, we both jam on what we love most about studying “the OT (Old Testament)” and I am sure you will be entertained and learn a thing or two in this interview.

An interview with David Ramos on Jump Start Your Joy about the Old Testament

In this episode, David and I talk about:
– his early passion for cars and engineering
– how one college professor changed the trajectory of David’s education and career path
– why we both love the Old Testament
– how someone who may think of the OT as dry or boring might approach the book in new ways
– what zombie and apocalypse stories have in common with the Old Testament (and, what they don’t)
– stories of the fantastic Super hero stories and how they relate to the heroes in the OT
– how the stories in the OT are ones that hold meaning, truths, and hope for people today
– what the story of Job means to David, and why it’s placement in the larger OT is important
– how we can relate to the God of the Old Testament, who often is seen as an angry, grumpy leader (and how God is really not that way in the OT)
– how the relationship with God and God’s people changes through the Old Testament and into the New Testament (it’s an evolving relationship).
– the confusing story of Dinah and what it might mean (we both have a point of view on this)
– a great place to start in the Old Testament if you’re wanting to get to know it better
– how to bring your dreams to life
– my favorite line in the Bible (which may surprise listeners)
– David’s take on how to jump start your joy

David Ramos’ Website
Enter to possibly win a copy of his book, Climbing with Abraham (and you’ll get a free download of Dreaming with Joseph)
Climbing with Abraham by David Ramos
The God with a Plan by David Ramos
Escaping with Jacob by David Ramos
Twentyfive: Treasures from an Unusual Millennial Life by David Ramos
The Shadow of Gethsemane: An Easter Poem by David Ramos
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
Read Abraham: Genesis 12-38
Read the story of Dinah in Genesis
The Book of Ruth
The Book of Job


An interview with David Ramos on Jump Start Your Joy about the Old Testament

How and where have you found hope and truth in your life?


35 responses to “Author David Ramos on Finding Hope and Truth in the Old Testament”

  1. David Ramos Avatar

    Thank you again for letting me be a part of this!

  2. Paula Avatar

    Of course!! I’m SO glad we connected – best wishes with your book launch 🙂

  3. Agnes Dela Cruz Avatar

    Lately, my daughter asked me something about the Bible and I got confused on what to tell her. I need to catch up again soon.

  4. Terri Ramsey Beavers Avatar

    I will check out David Ramos. I love learning things from the bible that I can’t understand on my own.

  5. Heather Avatar

    I. Glad he touches on the way God seems to be viewed in the Old Testament, I’ve often gotten the impression that God changes from the OT to the NT and I figure it had to be the way it’s been written.

  6. Ana De Jesus Avatar

    Best of luck on your book launch hope it goes well!

  7. Elizabeth O. Avatar
    Elizabeth O.

    That’s really very interesting. It would be nice to learn more about the old testament.

  8. laci Avatar

    This is awesome i had no idea about these books ! Laci

  9. Amber Avatar

    What a great podcast. Thank you for sharing

  10. Healing Tomato Avatar

    The Old Testament sounds very inspirational.

  11. Edwin Lao Avatar
    Edwin Lao

    I use to read old testament books in my high school days. Now I wonder if I could still get one here in my area. Or does this book still exist.

  12. april grant Avatar
    april grant

    Sounds an interesting books for me. I would love to read this

  13. rika Avatar

    Great podcast. I’ve never heard of him before, thanks for sharing

  14. nicole escat Avatar
    nicole escat

    This is very inspiring book.

  15. Mardene Carr Avatar

    The Old Testament….there are so many nuggets in that much ignored part of the bible.

  16. Lexie Lane Avatar
    Lexie Lane

    That’s really interesting and inspirational. Good to read it.

  17. Tamason Gamble Avatar

    I am always interested in other peoples view on the Old Testament. Having done a theology degree there are so many thoughts out there it always sparks a good discussion.

  18. michelle Avatar

    I find myself more drawn to the new testament though I do love Psalms and Proverbs. So glad to see people of God connecting.

  19. Amy Jones Avatar

    Great post! It’s always good to hear another’s person interpretation of the bible beacause it makes you question your views on the subject and the many meanings it might have then you can create a more solid argument and a maybe a stronger belief

  20. Colette S Avatar

    I’m always ready to learn something new about the bible.
    We are studying Job right now and I need to catch up.
    This is definitely interesting and I’m glad it’s being shared.

  21. Rosey Avatar

    I think the Old Testament is relevant today. The Bible often hits home for me when I’m reading.

  22. Dogvills Avatar

    This is interesting. It would be nice to learn more about the Old Testament.

  23. Jenn Peters Avatar
    Jenn Peters

    Sounds like a good listen. I think the OT gets overlooked a lot.

  24. Paula Avatar

    Good luck with Job! It’s a great book. I’m glad you enjoyed the interview, Colette!

  25. Paula Avatar

    I agree Mardene 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!

  26. Yonca Avatar

    Sounds inteesting.That’s why I love blogging and blogs. It is important to learn something new every day.

  27. penelope Avatar

    God is great for giving us hope!

  28. David Ramos Avatar

    I’d be happy to answer any questions your daughter might have! You can use the Contact page on my website.

  29. David Ramos Avatar

    Yes, that’s a common misconception. It’s hard to really uncover why we see it like that, but with some due diligence I hope to help change Christians minds! Thanks for listening.

  30. David Ramos Avatar

    Thank you very much!

  31. David Ramos Avatar

    It’s never to late to start 😉 It’s launch day for the Enduring with Job book, that’s a good place to start!

  32. David Ramos Avatar

    Thank you so much!

  33. David Ramos Avatar

    I really appreciate that, thank you!

  34. David Ramos Avatar

    Awesome, where did you do your theology degree?