Flylady Marla Cilley, who makes her home on, is back for a second episode! In this edition, Marla dives into how to do the Flylady method of zone cleaning your home, and how to work through the days of the week to stay organized. We got to talk about a lot of fun and easy ideas to keep your home and life organized. Plus, Marla shares about the inspiration for her next book near the end of the episode, and I got goosebumps when she told me about her visit to the National Shrine of Saint Therese. It’s an inspiring and amazing story, and one that you will NOT want to miss 🙂 Join me as I talk to Flylady Marla Cilley on finding joy in everything you do.
If you have not yet listened to the first episode, you can find it here.

I’m so excited to share this second hour with Marla for today’s episode as part of the “Loving your 2016” series. I’m really honored that she shared about her upcoming book, and just blown away by her lovely story around her time in the chapel.
In this episode, Flylady Marla Cilley and I talk about:
- how she breaks out the zones to cleaning your home
– the theme for each day of the week, when using the Flylady method
– how to approach having your mother in law come over (enlist her help in cleaning!)
– how admitting you need help, and welcoming it, and how that changes your view point
– what she keeps in her closet to give as gifts should an event come up
– planning out big family vacations, (calendar party)
– how to create a relaxed environment around timing when family is leaving
– her plans for live events in the spring
– revisiting her trip to San Mateo, CA a few years ago
– her writing process for her new spiritual book, including her visit to the chapel of St Therese
– how Sink Reflections got it’s name
– a few thoughts on Saints
Resources – Marla’s website
The National Shrine Museum of St Therese
Marla is the author of “Body Clutter,” and “Sink Reflections,” both are best sellers, and I can not recommend them highly enough.
Sink Reflections – Marla’s first book (on Amazon)
Body Clutter – Marla’s second book (on Amazon)
Eric Dodge, Why Not Today (on Amazon)
Did you love this episode? Consider buying me a “Cup of Coffee” to support the show.

How do you find peace in your life?
35 responses to “Flylady Marla Cilley on Finding Joy in Everything You Do”
Oh how I love this. I really do try to find as much joy in the little things as I possibly can! It’s a great way to be positive and happy all the time.
Wow, I was just doing a version of this. I really like this method better as it is easier to stay organized
I find that I get joy from the little things. I am all about lives simple pleasures although I am an avid consumerist too.
The more I read this post, the more I want to get myself organized. Thanks for sharing.
I find joy in my nieces and nephew. Hearing the laugh is the best noise in the world. I also find peace in the small things, a beautiful day, watching the water outside my window, buying a great pair of shoes, giving myself a mani, spending time with friends.
One of my professors in school LOVED flylady. It was a part of everything we did. I was thankful that she used it; because, she could be very scattered. Haha.
Oh i LOVE this! I’m all about finding little things that fuel my joy. Which is definitely easier when organized in my opinion haha!
I love this! I’m running a series geared at living your best like right now and this ties right in! I hope your 2016 is going fabulously!
Too funny about enlisting my MIl for help in cleaning. When I had my first baby, she told me she woudl come over so I could clean and she woudl watch the baby. I told her she could clean while I held my own baby – she did not think that was funny! ☺
This sounds fantastic! I use to use her methods religiously, they were wonderful for the stage of life that I was in.
I find joy in doing the small everyday things that mean a lot to me: a convo with my daughter when she comes home from school, playing with my dog, snuggle time with my family etc – those are the good for my soul moments 😉
I wish I could do the zone method when I clean my home! Unfortunately if I get bitten by the cleaning bug, it’s best I do it all at once! great podcast!
Right now I am taking a break from cleaning my closet. An organized closet brings me joy!
great podcast!
I really love the satisfaction of a clean closet, Stacey 🙂
So glad you stopped by, TaMara – I’ll have to check out your series, too 🙂
TP – good luck with your organization journey!
Finding joy in everything you do reminds me of find what you love to do and do more of it.
I love the Flylady. Her method helped me get the house together several years ago, and I go back to her method of shining my sink and morning/evening routines whenever life gets a little overwhelming.
It’s great to find joy in everything you do. I need to get in that mind set!
I try to find joy in everything I do. Even the hardest of tasks will be lighter if you try to be more positive.
Going to listen to this asap! Love Flylady!!
We have been going through a HUGE purge here at our house.
The oldest moved out and a lot of the stuff that she didn’t want/need she left so we are sorting and hucking a lot of it. We are also cutting services we are paying too much for as well. It’s surprising how good it feels to do that!
I agree with heather, getting rid of stuff when the kids are grown and cutting out the expenses we don’t need.
Hi Heather – this is such a great step!! We recently cut our cable out and went to a Roku. We are saving $75 a month on that alone! 🙂 And I think we actually have more options. Congrats on your progress!
Sarah – thank you for visiting! Enjoy 🙂 Flylady is so awesome!
I am the same way, Aubrey. It’s hard to do it all, and one of the things I love about Flylady is that there’s no wrong way to do it 🙂 Take care!
This was really interesting to listen to – as someone who’s not naturally that organised I love the idea of purging, clearing space and energy and generally hoarding less ‘stuff’.
I have always found joy in a clean house, uncluttered-ness, and an alphabetized spice rack! Glad to know I am not alone.
I try to teach my coaching clients the importance of doing things that make your heart sing everyday. I loved the use of finding joy in small things, it also reminded me about how it’s important to have gratitude for the simple things each day. Thank you for sharing this podcast,!
Hi Jo, thank you for stopping by! I love that Marla recognizes that some folks are not, what she would call, “born organized” but that we all can learn the skills to create habits that string into routines.
I love this I very rarely let anything bring me down even cleaning 🙂
Such great advice, full of color and honesty. Lovely post!
[…] – Marla’s website Episode 18: Flylady Marla Cilley on Finally Loving Yourself Episode 19: Flylady Marla Cilley on “Finding Joy in Everything You Do” Jerry Mills’ website: Singer and song writer (who wrote about having ADHD) David Burns, The […]
[…] – Marla’s website Episode 18: Flylady Marla Cilley on Finally Loving Yourself Episode 19: Flylady Marla Cilley on “Finding Joy in Everything You Do” Jerry Mills’ website: Singer and song writer (who wrote about having ADHD) David Burns, The […]