Tag: three things thursday

  • How to Capture Joyful Core Memories So You Can Return to Them Whenever You Want

    How to Capture Joyful Core Memories So You Can Return to Them Whenever You Want

    In one of my early episodes, I shared a bit about how I like to try and capture joyful core memories by taking a snapshot of a moment in my head. I think of it as a way to keep a hold of the joy I feel in an individual…

  • Bringing Your Dream Business to Life: Darling, What if You Fly?

    Bringing Your Dream Business to Life: Darling, What if You Fly?

    One of the themes that I’m picking up is that of saying yes to your dreams. It’s easy to push your dreams aside, even do things that sabotage your true calling – because it’s scary, or because very validly, you’re not quite ready for the risk that making the leap…

  • What Could Be Possible if You Dedicated A Whole Year to Something?

    What Could Be Possible if You Dedicated A Whole Year to Something?

    When I started my podcast in 2015, there were two pieces of advice that I took to heart when I began crafting the show: be consistent, and, make a commitment to publishing for a year. This seemed super ambitious, and admittedly kind of daunting, because a year felt like a…

  • Tapping Into What Delights and Nourishes You

    Tapping Into What Delights and Nourishes You

    Sometimes Joy gets thought of as a flash in the pan moment, here in a heartbeat, something that you barely notice, and something that is gone as quickly as it arrives. Sometimes Joy is that general feeling of happiness you have around holidays or a birthday; still fleeting, but found…