Category: how to
Reupholstering a Bargain Chair for the Bedroom
A few months ago, I spied a little chair outside a second hand furniture shop. She was full of potential, and I knew she’d fit in my Civic. With a price tag at $40, I decided to take her home. Here’s a picture of the chair in the living room…
How to Plan a Retreat: Using Your Resources
In the world of retreat planning, you often need to rely on the resources you have on hand. Lots of times, budgets are small, and the more you can stretch your dollar, the better! So, here are a few ideas on how to make the most using the things your…
Breaking into Small Groups: Collage of Quotes
Tomorrow kicks off the big “Spiritual Pilates” retreat. I’m excited and ready to go lead it! One of the things I love to do with retreats is find a creative way to break people into small groups. Here’s the set of 42 individual images that we’ll be spreading out on…
How to Plan a Retreat: Putting Together the Basic Timeline
We’re getting to that point in the retreat planning where you’re putting the peddle to the metal. You’ve put the building blocks in place. You have your theme figured out, you have a team in place, and you’ve put the basics down on paper. Now, how do you put these…
How to Plan a Retreat: Making the Flyer
It’s week three of the “How to Plan a Retreat” series, and this week, we’re tackling: The Flyer. We’ve already looked at “The Beginning,” and “Coming up with a Theme” which are worth a read as we move into this third step. You’ve got a lot of hard work behind…
How to Plan a Retreat: The Beginning
So perhaps you’ve been assigned or delegated or volunteered or hired to help plan a retreat. First of all – Congratulations! You’re going to have a great time, and learn a lot in the process. Someone saw something in you that made you the perfect choice for this role, or,…
Inspiration and Interior Design
One of my favorite kinds of blogs (along side my *favorite* kind of blog, that of the inspirational nature) are home decorating blogs. I’m a total fiend for TV shows like “Trading Spaces,” “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” and even “This Old House.” But I’m totally gonna fess up here ……
How to Create a Homemade Ugly Christmas Sweater
Year after year, this post gets a lot of visits – join in and learn how to create a homemade ugly Christmas sweater! Seeing as there has been a lot of love around this post, for Ugly Christmas Sweaters, I thought I’d give you all the step by step on…