Category: choosing joy

  • Blessings by Laura Story and “God’s Love”

    Our next retreat is this Saturday and our focus is “God’s Love: Learning to See with New Eyes.” The idea came to me when I saw how Zoom reacted to my Mom giving him an old toy that I had played with as a child. He lit up. The toy…

  • A Wall of Gratitude

    Tomorrow is our next retreat and one of the things I’m most excited about is the event we’re doing at the end of the day. Every once and awhile, the team gets brainstorming and we just get on a roll. We decided that as our last activity, we’d ask everyone…

  • We Are Okay … Remembering our Spirit

    My next retreat is in March and so I’m in that fevered race to find things that inspire me. And that I can share with other people. I love this part of the process. One of my favorite stories that Father Rusty shares with others is about a little three…

  • A Date with Guy Fieri and Cowboy Mouth

    Last Thursday, Sean and I headed into the City (SF) to see Cowboy Mouth. They’re a great band from New Orleans, and they really put on an amazing show. One of the most incredible things about them is that their lead singer, Fred LeBlanc, is also the drummer. Nuts, I…

  • Hope is a Strategy

    “It’s not a matter of being correct, but of being connected.” – Richard Rohr, Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality This little quote has been tumbling around in my heart and my brain for several days now. It think it’s because I’ve been yearning for something that has been missing from…

  • And a Happy New Year: A New Direction Yet Again

    We’ve had a very busy couple of weeks. Here, on New Year’s Day, I sit with the Christmas tree lit, candles going, a mug of tea by my side. Sean and I have agreed to leave the tree up, and the decorations up until next weekend. On purpose, because he…

  • Put on Your Game Face: What Do You Show to the World?

    Today as I was going through pictures, making a 2008 photobook over at Shutterfly, I came across these beauts. My family and I went to a 49ers game last year, and we got these stickers to use so we could put on our “Game Face.” My family went crazy ……

  • Following the Inspiration from Softball

    It’s uncanny to me that as I wrote my entry about “Why I love Softball and Growling at People” this week, I was in fact following my two old ways of gaining respect from others. Looking back, my first one was the head fake. As a catcher, I used to…

  • Happy 40th Birthday to Sesame Street

    On the way home from work today, I was tuned in to Fresh Air and caught a GREAT story on fresh air about Sesame Street. You can listen it on the NPR website. It was so amazing reliving some of the happy memories, the great songs, and remembering the characters…