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Author: Paula

  • An Interview with Kerri Powers on her Album Starseeds

    An Interview with Kerri Powers on her Album Starseeds

    Kerri Powers is a singer, songwriter, and musician, and she has just released her latest album, Starseeds. I’m so honored and delighted to have her on the show this week to talk about her creative process, about getting honest and telling your truest story, and about how music is a…

  • Melissa Dinwiddie, Jamie Ridler, and Emilie Wapnick in a Multi-passionate Round Table Podcast Interview

    Melissa Dinwiddie, Jamie Ridler, and Emilie Wapnick in a Multi-passionate Round Table Podcast Interview

    This week on the show, I’m joined by Melissa Dinwiddie, Jamie Ridler, and Emilie Wapnick for a roundtable on being a multi-passionate person. As a multi-passionate, or multi-potentialite (or scanner, or renaissance soul), we can relate to having lots of different interests and not wanting to narrow our work or…

  • What Mom Really Wants For Mother’s Day (and Everyday)

    What Mom Really Wants For Mother’s Day (and Everyday)

    This week in a Facebook group, there was a lively and spirited discussion about what Moms really want for Mother’s Day (vs what marketers are saying Moms want on Mothers Day). Whether or not you’re a Mom, I think you might be able to relate to this: What Marketers think…

  • Natalie Sager and Lindsay Ambrose on Peaceful Mamas: The Mind, Body, and Baby Connection

    Natalie Sager and Lindsay Ambrose on Peaceful Mamas: The Mind, Body, and Baby Connection

    This week on the show, I’m thrilled to have Lindsay Ambrose and Natalie Sager joining me to talk about their new book, Peaceful Mamas: The Mind, Body, and Baby Connection. The two joined together to write this book after meeting at a conference in Chicago, and bonding together over their…

  • Suzan Colon on Developing a Yoga Mind and Revolutionizing Your Life From the Inside Out

    Suzan Colon on Developing a Yoga Mind and Revolutionizing Your Life From the Inside Out

    Suzan Colon is a yoga expert and speaker, and the author of the book, Yoga Mind: Journey Beyond the Physical, 30 Days to Enhance your Practice and Revolutionize Your Life From the Inside Out. I’m thrilled to have her on the show this week to talk about her work and…

  • A Mastermind Shares Proven Ways to Feel More Confident in Your Work and Life

    A Mastermind Shares Proven Ways to Feel More Confident in Your Work and Life

    A recent hot topic with my mastermind has been that of confidence. About two months ago, we did a webinar for the first time on it, and found that it was such a deep and wide topic. This episode is a two-part one … today you’ll get to hear part…

  • Ep131: Mandy Ford on Following the Joy of Drawing and Illustration (A Lookback Episode)

    Ep131: Mandy Ford on Following the Joy of Drawing and Illustration (A Lookback Episode)

    Please upgrade your browser This week on the show, I’m doing a lookback episode – and revisiting the conversation with Mandy Ford. After this aha moment of last week, in episode 130 , of seeing how it’s important that we make room for joy in our lives, I felt a real…

  • Actively Practicing Joy Every Day with host Paula Jenkins

    Actively Practicing Joy Every Day with host Paula Jenkins

    This week on the show, I’m excited to share a solocast all about why joy matters. I recently had a series of aha moments around the interviews with Fred Leblanc and Julia Samuels, along with the work I’ve been doing in Tiffany Han’s Inner Circle – that led me to…

  • Ep129: Rayne Parvis on Your Personal Style

    Ep129: Rayne Parvis on Your Personal Style

    Please upgrade your browser This week’s interview with personal stylist and coach, Rayne Parvis is one of those special and fun discussions that really feels more like a chat with an old friend than an interview. Rayne and I hit it off from the start, and we laugh so hard…