Happy New Year! In this solocast episode, I’m exploring the topic of finding joy in uncertain times. In the midst of the shifting world events, I’ve felt weighed down recently. In this episode, I’ll talk about how it takes real courage to follow a muse like Joy in hard times, and following joy, and love, and our own hearts is more important now, than ever before. I’ve spent a lot of time mulling over why joy has felt so awkward recently, and why it still beckons me on. And, I’ve found a lot of uplifting quotes and thoughts from others to share with you, too.
The six ways ways of finding joy in uncertain times I share in this episode are:
1. Define what’s true for you – regardless of what else may feel uncertain, what do you know is true for you, right now?
2. Take comfort that it’s perfectly OK (and natural) to grieve or feel sadness at the same time as you feel excitement or joy.
3. Take action: joy is an act of defiance and self care
4. Take action: caring for others spreads joy
5. Baby steps: Joy builds more joy. Little Bits of joy brought to life make room for more joy in your life
6. Look at joy in a new way: explore what joy looks like at the crossroads of whatever else you’re feeling

Love your New Year – a series from 2016
Helen McLaughlin’s delightful “Weekly Findings” Newsletter
Laura Simms post on “Finding Purpose in Uncertain Times”
Laura Simms in episode 34
Molly Larkin in episode 10 (where we talk about Byron Katie)
Jennifer Ching’s inspiring CAKEooh Blog
Congrats to my two students launching their podcasts:
Julie Neale is the host of “Mother’s Quest” podcast.
Christine Petty is the host of the recently launched “Free Her Spirit” podcast.