Now that the show has been running for nearly two years, it’s super fun to have past guests come back and share updates about their lives and get to reconnect. So, when Michelle Ward (from Episode 5) asked if she AND Laura Simms (from Episode 34) could come on TOGETHER, well, it was a total no-brainer. Of course we had an awesome time together, and of course we talked about all how to get past your “big buts” to create the career of your dreams, along with how to launch your dream business in just 90 days.
Both Laura and Michelle are career coaches and I totally loved chatting with both of them the first time they were each on the show. Over the last year or so they’ve combined forces to create a single program, the 90 Day Business Launch, which basically takes you from an idea to a full fledged biz in – 90 days.
I adore that these two have similar backgrounds, both are actors in a former life, both changed careers to become coaches, and now both of them work with women to figure out what they want to do. Michelle’s focus is “dream career guidance” while Laura focuses on “finding a career feels like home.”
Here’s what inspires the heck out of me about their decision to combine forces: It would be so easy for them to see each other as “competition,” and refrain from working together. Instead, they saw the power of working together as an invitation to create something bigger than they could do alone and leaned heavily on the belief that there is more than enough for everyone in the world of coaching.
I’m just so happy they decided to join me, and I know you’re going to love hearing what they both have to say about creating the career of your dreams by getting past your “big buts”.
In this episode, Michelle, Laura and I talked about:
– What’s brought them joy in the last year
– Their 90 Day Business Launch program and how they’ve sold out every time they’ve run it!
– What’s holding you back from following your creative dream
– What do to when you’ve got a case of the “big buts” and are having a hard time following your dream career
– How Laura and Michelle met the first time, and why putting yourself out there and taking risks is so life changing
– The amazing impact a great mastermind can have on your career and business
– How adding Spark and Comfort to your routine can help when you’re going through big changes, and how it can bring people back into their lives
– How doing the thing you love can make all the difference
– How to jump start joy in your life
Resources from this episode:
90 Day Business Launch
Michelle Ward’s Website
Laura Simms’ Website
Michelle Ward in episode 5 of Jump Start Your Joy
Laura Simms in episode 34 of Jump Start Your Joy
Michelle Ward’s amazing book: The Declaration of You (on Amazon)
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