48: How To Bring Your Creative Dream to Life

How To Bring Your Creative Dream to Life with Host Paula Jenkins

This week I’m talking about one of my favorite topics, how to bring your creative dream to life. Last year, I hosted a weekend long virtual retreat on the topic, and I love to ask guests for their advice on how to bring a dream into action. So, I’ve decided to turn the question on myself, and share my thoughts, along with some of my favorite quotes in this short solocast episode.

48: How To Bring Your Creative Dream to Life

3 Ways People Get Stuck in Bringing a Dream to Life

In working with clients, I find that there are a few places where people seem to get stuck on bringing a dream to life, even when it’s a dream that’s been on their hearts for a long time. The good news is that bringing a dream to life is possible, and sometimes it just takes working through whatever is holding you back, and getting really clear on your commitment to yourself and to your dream. It’s often helpful to have a coach or objective outside person there to help you work through the four steps, which I outline in this episode:
1. Identify the dream that you want to bring to life.
2. Get clear on what’s holding you back from taking the first steps to realizing this dream, now.
3. Establish habits that help you, and support the dream and journey you’re starting.
4. Show up consistently to work on the dream, and be prepared to modify and change as you go.

48: How To Bring Your Creative Dream to Life - a podcast with Paula Jenkins where she walks through the four steps for you to take to bring your dream to life, now. Click to listen, Pin for later. www.jumpstartyourjoy.com


26 responses to “How To Bring Your Creative Dream to Life with Host Paula Jenkins”

  1. karen Avatar

    I do have a dream that I want to bring to life…and I am taking it day by day. I am trying not to get blah about it not happening overnight. I think perseverance is key…and positive vibes!
    Karen | GlamKaren.com

  2. Michele Avatar

    I wish I could do my creative job 24/7, but that wouldn’t pay the bills just yet.. and I’m still in school hah. Maybe one day. This is great inspiration! Great post xx

  3. Rebecca Bryant Avatar

    My dream is to be able to support my family blogging. I am working hard towards that gold.

  4. Teresa | Simply Made Fun Avatar

    My dream (while small right now) is to pay our mortgage myself and pay off our house in 15 years instead of 30!

  5. http://tiarastantrums.com Avatar

    I’m not sure if I have this huge dream any longer. I mean I graduated from college, had a fab job, advanced well – got married, had babies – am a momma to three amazing kiddos. Kinda living it yo?

  6. Amber Nelson Avatar

    I know I have a dream too. It is so important to realize that we can achieve a dream at any age. There is no cut off to the end of dream achieving!

  7. Terri Steffes Avatar

    Showing up on the days you don’t feel like it. I have to make a quote box of this. Great post, and lots of food for thought, especially showing up!

  8. Debra Avatar

    I love this! I think consistency is the most important part of working on a dream for sure! Great podcast!

  9. Amanda Love Avatar

    I really appreciate the four steps that you have here, it’s very effective as well. Setting a goal is important and it’s also important to be aware of what’s stopping you from achieving it so that you can plan accordingly.

  10. Megan McCoig Avatar
    Megan McCoig

    What a great post. I so believe it’s true that you can to. I believe in taking small steps, ones that aren’t too stressful, and that’s the best way to getting to your dream. A thought out plan always helps.

  11. jill conyers Avatar

    Great selection for a podcast. I’m bringing my dream to life as we speak.

  12. Kim Avatar

    I love pulling out inner creative side. It’s where I feel most comfortable too. Great ideas!

  13. Wendy Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing this! It is a great reminder that I need to get clear on my dreams.

  14. Yvonne Sowell Avatar

    It’s my dream to write a children’s book someday, but right now my lifestyle as a mom is putting a damper in the progress. I’m sure it’s really a lame excuse. I am trying to find my groove back though. Here’s to achieving our dreams!!

    | YvonneSowell.com |

  15. Heather Avatar

    This is amazing! I can’t wait to listen to the whole podcast. I think that for me, trying to find the time to sit and really flesh out my dreams has been the hardest part. With three kids and homeschooling it seems like I am always doing something else, and putting “me” for last. I am working on that though 🙂

  16. christina aliperti Avatar
    christina aliperti

    I love this so much. Everyone needs to have a creative outlet where they can bring those dreams to reality. We all have so much on our plates but we must make time to do this for ourselves.

  17. Paula Avatar

    Thank you, Debra, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

  18. Paula Avatar

    Thank you, Terri! I have found that consistency is really what makes the difference.

  19. Paula Avatar

    Teresa, I think that’s an awesome goal / dream! Fully owning a home and not having any more payments seems like the kind of thing that would make so many other things possible.

  20. HilLesha Avatar

    I do have a few dreams that I want to make a reality. I do know that they may not happen overnight, but I’m happy with the fact that I’m working on them. 🙂

  21. Rose Sahetapy Avatar

    I agree with you. Consistency is the based to keep on giving the best – work,ideas, creativity- into the action in order to make our dream come to life.

  22. M. David Green Avatar

    That process–especially the part about showing up and modifying as you go–really makes sense. Coming from an agile perspective, I think it’s vital that people recognize the importance of adapting as they make progress, so they don’t lose sight of changing priorities and context. Very nice!

  23. Paula Avatar

    M. David – I love that you’ve brought the agile angle in here. So much of my background is from project management; I fully understand the desire to have a plan, but then a good and truly comprehensive plan also has points in it where you assess if change is needed. Thank you for bringing this up 🙂

  24. Adam Avatar

    I second the message from M. David’s comment. Great episode, would like to see more solo ones with you!

  25. Amanda Avatar

    Love this, Paula! It reminds me of a quote from the Billionaire PA, “Speak your dreams into existence”

    I love how you’re helping your clients not only identify their dreams but also giving them the tools to start taking action towards their dreams ❤️

    One of my dreams is to help heal and empower a billion people in my lifetime ❤️❤️❤️

  26. Stephanie Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this. Super inspiring.