Wednesday Wanderings: Following The Dream

I’m not going to lie, the last couple of weeks have been rough. We launched a campaign today at work (I work in digital advertising), and that always takes its toll. But I think there’s something beyond that. Something I need to dig in to and wrestle with a bit, and that is an exhaustion that comes from a job that is not a good fit.

Maybe you can relate. Maybe you’ve had the sense before that the job you’re in isn’t REALLY what you’re supposed to be doing? When things feel like a bit of a battle? And even driving in each morning seems to hang with dread?

I’m going to get out of the funk. I’m determined to. This life is too short to feel stuck or be unhappy.

This morning I spoke with the “When I Grow Up Coach,” Michelle Ward. Oh, she’s amazing. Just talking about my dreams made me happy.

You guys already know what I love to do, I think. I love leading retreats. I love speaking in public. Guys, I’m going to figure out how to DO THAT. I’m going to follow my dream.

So, here’s where stuff gets real and where my bloggy work starts to just become my work. I sure hope you’ll tag along for the ride.

The simple rules:

1. If you post something, please stop by and leave a comment on the 2 people that posted before you.

2. Please stop by “On Wings and Waves” and say hi to Kristen 🙂

3. Please share links from your blog that you haven’t shared here before.

4. Please grab the Wednesday Wanderings button and share it in your post so other people can join in the fun.

Let’s get linking!


One response to “Wednesday Wanderings: Following The Dream”

  1. jviola79 Avatar

    Paula –
    Love the quote from Steve Jobs. May God bless you with the fruition of your dream! Blessings, Joanne