Category: recipe

  • Kale Chips Recipe – So Delicious!

    The other day at work my co-workers asked if I’d ever tried kale chips…and no, I had not. But I had kale at home, and so the other night, woo-hoo! I made some. It’s pretty easy, so here’s what you do. Wash the kale, and remove the leaves from the…

  • Gluten Free Beef Stroganoff with Minute Rice

    Tonight on the way home from work I stopped off to do our weekly grocery shopping. On my list was “Minute Ready to Serve Rice,” and I was super excited to try it out with a gluten free beef stroganoff recipe. I found the Minute Ready to Serve Rice near…

  • Three Ingredient Hot Chocolate

    This weekend, Zoom and I made hot chocolate. It was easy 🙂 1/2 cup chocolate chips, melted1/2 cup warmed milk1/4 teaspoon cinnamon Stir the milk and melted chocolate chips. Add 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Split into two mugs, and add another 1/2 of milk to taste. Rewarm if needed. Perfect for…

  • Gluten Free Peanut Butter Pie and Gluten Free Pie Crust

    For Christmas Eve dinner, I decided to make a pie. A gluten free pie, and it was delicious. My family is really crazy about peanut butter, and years ago we encountered a delicious peanut butter pie in the middle of Kansas. My mom has figured out the recipe and shared…

  • Gluten Free Recipe: Amercianized Vietnamese Turkey Pho Soup

    Recently I decided to try my hand at making some Vietnamese Pho, which is a popular soup. The noodles in the soup are made from rice, so this is a great gluten free option! We had left overs we’d frozen from Thanksgiving, and so this was a great way to…

  • An Omelet with Asparagus and Cream Cheese (Gluten Free)

    This weekend I wanted to make a Sunday breakfast, and use the things we had on hand. I knew we had eggs, milk, asparagus and cream cheese (amongst a lot of other things), and that sounded like a decent omelet. This omlet was delicious, and came in at about $1.85…

  • Gluten Free Recipe: Delicious Coffee Cake

    I’ve passed the two and a half year mark in being gluten free and I’m just now experimenting with recipes. It’s taken awhile to get comfortable with the basics … but recently I wanted to make a coffee cake. A moist, delicious, insane coffee cake. Guess what!? It worked. At…