Category: quote

  • Wednesday Wanderings: Trust

    “Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” – Golda Meir Over the past couple of years, I’ve been searching for the next step in…

  • Welcoming Spirit Blog Hop #16: If You Work Hard..

    Source: Uploaded by user via Cathi on Pinterest “If you work really hard and are kind, amazing things will happen.” A little pinspiration for us on this Wednesday. I know that over the last few weeks, I’ve been amazed by the world, amazed in the best of ways. I went…

  • In Loving Memory of Jean

    Be like the birdwho halting in her flighton limb too slightfeels it give way beneath herand yet singsknowing she hath wings– Victor Hugo The quote first came in to my life when I was five or six. It was in a big glossy book, with pretty pictures of statues. I…

  • Thoughts on ‘The ‘Busy’ Trap: Why We Feel we Need to Appear Busy

    A couple of weeks ago a friend on Facebook posted this link… The ‘Busy’ Trap by Tim Kreider. It’s an article about today’s society and how “busy” we all are. I can’t help but think we get trained to think we need to be busy, how to be busy. In college,…