Category: environment

  • The Uniform Project: Inspired by Simplicity is a simple idea. Sheena Matheiken wears the same dress for 365 days, and she dresses it up differently every day with various accessories. The really amazing part about it is that it’s not about her, or her style, or her own wishes. The amazing part is that she’s…

  • The Car Manufacturer Bailout: Let’s Turn This On It’s Head

    On the way into work today, I was listening to NPR, and there was a story about automobile emissions standards, and how those standards have come into question around to the industry’s requested bailout. I realize I don’t usually get into political issues here, but something about this story grabbed…

  • Environmentalism and Religion

    Al Gore did a wonderful and insightful job with discussing climate change in “An Inconvenient Truth.” How I wish I’d asked him more about his thoughts that one day I had an elevator ride with him in our office building over at the Current TV building… Instead I became instantly…

  • How I Got to Work Today

    Without a car today, I got myself to work with … walking and using Caltrain and using Muni and walking more. It only took about 15 – 20 minutes longer than driving, which is probably just my walk from my apartment to the Caltrain station. Not too bad, really. I…