Category: advertising

  • Ep78: The Courage of Marketing Yourself or Your Small Business with Deirdre Fentem

    Ep78: The Courage of Marketing Yourself or Your Small Business with Deirdre Fentem

    Please upgrade your browser This week, as part of courage month, I’m excited to welcome Deirdre Fentem, of Little Red Promotions. She’s here to share all about the courage of marketing yourself or your small business. We talk about her work with anti-human trafficking, which also introduced her to social…

  • The Double Edged Sword of Marketing

    I’m in the midst of changing my life, and working hard to become a life coach after fifteen years of working in advertising agencies. One morning this week, I had an aha moment when I woke up, drafting this on my phone before I even got out of bed. Double…

  • Tiny Biz Tuesday: What Small Businesses Can Learn from Big Advertising Campaigns

    Our Tiny Biz Hustle group is talking a bit about the mechanics of a large scale advertising campaign this week. I found this great post about the “10 best ads of all time,” and I gotta say, this one is right on the money. I might add the original Apple…

  • Tiny Biz Tuesday: Start Tracking Your Traffic

    This is the exciting kick off for a new feature on Welcoming Spirit called “Tiny Biz Tuesdays!” I recently started a Facebook group called “Tiny Biz Hustle,” (and you should totally join us!) and each week we are focusing on just one thing that tiny businesses can do to make…

  • Introducing a New Group for Bloggers: Tiny Biz Hustle

     Last week I started up a new Facebook group called “Tiny Biz Hustle.” It’s geared towards bloggers, tiny business owners, solo-preneurs and entrepreneurs who are interested in collaborating around digital marketing. Or honestly, any one that is new to marketing online. I worked in marketing and advertising for 15 years,…

  • About My Last Year in a Terrible Job or Why I Left Advertising

    In the book Abundant Simplicity by Jan Johnson, I discovered a quote that hit home pretty hard for me. “Marketing folks have identified the masters we don’t even know we are serving. ‘Marketing theory says that people are driven by fear, by the promise of exclusivity, by guilt and by…

  • In Our Human Job Description

    In my final year at Yale Divinity School, I was named the Community  Life Coordinator. It was a cool job, and it meant I oversaw all of the  other clubs and committees, helped with budgets for those groups,  planned parties, helped with the daily coffee hour after chapel, and  well,…

  • The Building of Brand Obama

    I could not be prouder today of our whole country for making the choice to elect such an amazing man, for taking the leap of faith, for holding on to hope, and for voting with our hearts. It is momentous. It was awe inspiring to watch as Obama took office,…