For a long time my little retreat team has struggled. With the age group, with finding topics that resonate with others, and with finding the right time … to meet, to have a retreat, the list goes on.
I have to admit that one of the things that irks me most, and has for awhile, is the title of “Young Adults.” To me, this harkens back to the young adult section of the library, which targets people in the tween years. It is not, decidedly not, ages 20-40. When I first read that a retreat was for Young Adults, I thought it couldn’t be for me, because I’m just a regular adult. And that was oh, ten years ago. I must be an Ancient Adult by now.
So instead of trying to find these elusive “young” people, my aim is to invite Gen Y and Gen X to the retreats we lead. We want to welcome people back to a church, to give them space to explore spirituality, to let them find themselves.
And I’ve decided the team is just going to change what they are doing, and just open up the audience to a little wider range. My reasoning – that we’re looking to reach a set of like minded people who are not served elsewhere by the church, and that this group is less about a age range, and more about a state of mind.
I’m inspired by the way that Francis went about changing the church, about his message of living God’s love, of living the Golden Rule. Francis understood that it is by our way of living that we embody the Gospel for each other and to each other.
Are you ready for the linky party portion of this post?
The simple rules:
1. If you post something, please stop by and leave a comment on the 2 people that posted before you.
2. Please stop by “On Wings and Waves” and say hi to Kristen
3. Please share links from your blog that you haven’t shared here before.
4. Please grab the Wednesday Wanderings button and share it in your post so other people can join in the fun.
Let’s get linking!