Zoom Friday: A Library for a Little One

Zoom has really enjoyed reading books for awhile now. We kept his books in various places throughout the house, some mixed in with toys, and others upstairs in his room. We’ve reached the stage where he likes to get in to things in the living room, and since he’s pulling himself up, anything on the coffee table or side tables gets moved the floor in a quick fashion.

Instead of being constantly frustrated, I decided to turn Zoom’s fascination with the shelf below the side table into an opportunity to provide him a place for his little library. Here’s the serene and organized view of his books:

And here’s Zoom exploring his books. You can see that he likes to get everything out to see it all:

library 1

Zoom’s favorite is the “Colors and Shapes (BABY TOUCH & FEEL)” book that I picked up on a whim. His favorite pages are the one with the orange, and the peas. He likes the sparkly center of the star / cookie, too. Here he is showing us his favorite book:

library 2

What have you done to make your space work better for your little one?
