You’re a Gem! A Special Award

Kathie over at My Net Finds was nice enough to hand out this gorgeous award. The only rules are that I’m supposed to share it and post it 🙂 It’s down at the bottom, in the footer … and here goes with the people I think are gems.

I want to say thanks to these folks who have been so warm and welcoming. They share, they encourage, and they make a big effort to get to know bloggy friends. You guys are all gems!

In no particular order:

Liz of Tidbits from Liz
Tabitha of A FiveohFour Uplifting and I Choose Bliss
Sheri of Sheri’s World
Adam of Where the Wind
Jessica of Pecannoot
Kate of Gluten Free Gobsmacked
Vineeta of Artnlight
Katey at Let it Be
Sarah at My Spare Time

I hope to have another post today about a couple of exciting new things!


6 responses to “You’re a Gem! A Special Award”

  1. Sheri Avatar

    Aww thanks so much! 🙂 You are a gem too!

  2. Tabitha@ichoosebliss Avatar

    You are so very sweet! Thank You!!

  3. wherethewind Avatar

    I agree with Sheri. Paula, you are a gem!

  4. vineeta Avatar

    Paula, thanx so much for this award 🙂 Sending you a big fat hug!!! 🙂

  5. Liz Avatar

    Thanks Paula!

  6. kateyleigh Avatar

    I looooove you!!! And I miss your daily presence in my life… I know the only reason you moved into that office is because I was gone. Otherwise we would have demanded to stay together forever! Solidarity! PMs Inc! PeterDorCo! It’s us and the Guggenheim!
    (I could keep going… haha)