This week, I’ve got a very special treat for you, it’s an interview with best selling author, psychic, and medium Paul Selig, in the celebration of the release of his new book, The Book of Truth. It’s the first time I’ve had someone channel on the show, and I know you will love this discussion. I’m really honored to have Paul join me to talk about being a psychic and medium, and channeling The Book of Truth.
The theme for this month, “Your Purpose.” We’ll be looking at the ways you can follow your heart to live the life of your dreams, and how to get in touch with your purpose.
Growing up, Paul Selig loved drama and theater, and went on to receive his masters at Yale, and then to become a play write and professor at NYU. In 2009 he had a spiritual experience that led him to become a psychic, channeler, and medium. His work now focuses on being a channel for the “The Guides,” acting as amplifier for their spiritual messages and teachings.
He’s written several books, channeled from the guides, and he’s just released The Book of Truth, which is the second of a trilogy that started with The Book of Mastery. Both are outstanding and insightful.
What I really loved about getting to speak with Paul was his candidness about what it is like to answer his call, one he knows he has been training for, of being open to listening to source and sharing the message of the guides.
In following the theme of this month, “Your Purpose,” this is an insightful and moving discussion with a person in his field. And, he channels the message from the guides when I asked about what the purpose of Joy is. Paul and guides have a lot to say about following your own Purpose and rediscovering your own Truth.
It was a delight to have Paul channel the Guides during this discussion, which he does at about the 16-minute mark. It even made me consider visiting a medium myself, so I had a look at a site like after our interview to find a medium that I could use. I’d never really considered it before, but after this interview I find myself fascinated!
In this episode, Paul and I talk about:
– his earliest sparks of joy in drama and theater
– his journey to becoming clairvoyant, clairsentient, and then telepathic and psychic
– how he built his practice as an intuitive
– how he channels, and receives the texts that he shares
– what it feels like to sit in channel with The Guides
– difference between channeling, and when he is in the role of a psychic
– if everyone has the ability to tap into channeling
– what The Guides have to say about the pursuit of joy in this life
– what it is like to honor the call of being a channel, and the impact it’s had on Paul’s life
– if The Guides were present in the time of Moses, based on the fact that the phrase “Here I am” is found in the Old Testament, and very similar to what The Guides share in The Book of Truth
– what balance looks, or doesn’t look like, for Paul
– how to jump start joy in your life
Resources from this episode:
The Book of Truth by Paul Selig (on Amazon)
The Book of Mastery by Paul Selig (on Amazon)
Paul Selig’s Website
Link to the webinars and seminars run by Paul on his website
YouTube Video of an interview with Paul Selig on Waking Universe
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