A Mastermind Shares: First Two Years of Being an Entrepreneur

Ep100: A Mastermind Group Shares About the First Two Years of Being an Entrepreneur with guests Julie Houghton and Liz Applegate

This week, to celebrate hitting episode 100, I’m chatting with Julie Houghton and Liz Applegate about life as entrepreneurs – we are all coaches and graduated from the same coaching certification program two years ago. The three of us are in mastermind and chat daily, and we’ve become very close. This week we look back at the last two years, what’s changed and shifted for us in our lives, what we’ve been most challenged by, the growth we’ve experienced, and what’s surprised us the most about being entrepreneurs. I’m honored to have them both on the show for episode 100! The awesome part about this conversation is that you get to listen in as a mastermind shares first two years of being an entrepreneur.

mastermind two years of being an entrepreneur

Julie, Liz, and I have been a mastermind group for over a year. We’ve been through a lot together, including the launch of this podcast, my year working for myself, and lots of client consultations, coaching questions, and sharing a love for a field we adore. In very simple terms, I could not have done all that I’ve done with out them cheering me on, calling me on my own BS, and giving me a sounding board for new ideas. And the true beauty of our group is that we do this for each other, every day.

One thing we’ve all noticed is that trusting yourself is really the key to making a go of a business along with understanding Why people, products and customers are king. There are going to be lots of moments that seem really hard, and it’s easy to let indecision and fear take over. Once you’ve really learned to trust yourself, and trust in the fact that things really will be OK, everything gets a lot easier.

The irony, of course, is (as I say in this episode), “you have to live it to learn it.” Or, you have to live through the hard times to learn that you’re going to be OK.

In this episode we share about:
– getting to know each other as a mastermind, and the day that Julie said she wished we’d all be in a group together
– the biggest challenges of being in business on your own in the first two years
– the personal growth we’ve seen in ourselves being in business
– that living an entrepreneur life teaches you things you’d never imagine
– tapping into your intuition, and why it will serve you well as a coach and entrepreneur
– that sometimes things shift, even the focus of your business may shift, as you learn new things
– really taking in the moments adds a lot of color and excitement to the journey
– having good business friends and a mastermind can make a big difference in how you approach business

Liz Applegate’s website
Julie Houghton’s website
Liz’s podcast: Midlife Schmidlife
Julie and Liz on Episode 41 of Jump Start Your Joy
