Jump Start Your Joy
How To Bring Your Creative Purpose and Dreams to Life

How To Bring Your Creative Purpose and Dreams to Life with guest Zoha Abbas

This week, I’m so excited to be speaking with Zoha Abbas of the site, Multidoer. Zoha is a multipassionate creative, who works with  creative people with lots of different passions and interests to move from idea into action. We talk about how to bring your creative purpose and dreams to life.

This is one of those fun, authentic conversations that I love to share with you guys … Zoha and I hit it off and found so much common ground to chat about. I know many of you are creative multipassionates, and if you’ve enjoyed my episodes with Emilie Wapnick, or Michelle Ward, you’re going to want to catch every second of this conversation with Zoha.

Every once and awhile, there’s a guest with whom I just click, and meeting Zoha was one of those times. She’s got a background in advertising, and is a multipassionate with lots of interests. She’s an entrepreneur with a project manager’s knack for planning, and a creative heart. I adore that she’s all about putting plans into action, while keeping your eye on creative pursuits.

In this episode, Zoha and I talk about:

– the definition of a multidoer: a multipassionate person who is action oriented
– Zoha’s journey from working in creative agencies to being a coach for creatives
– how you can break through the noise and become a multidoer
– the difference between a multipassionate and a multidoer (action!)
– our love for the Passion Planner
– Zoha’s thoughts on how to jumpstart your joy: smile, honor other’s time, and choosing who you spend time and energy with

Resources from this episode:

Zoha Abbas’ website
Passion Planner

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Are you highly creative, with lots of new ideas, and want to be able to focus and get one of your projects done? This interview with Zoha Abass and Paula Jenkins explains that you might be a multidoer, or someone who as a ton of passions and wants to start working on your to do list. Pin and Save, or click to listen to this interview. www.jumpstartyourjoy.com/episode92