I’m excited to share that April will be a month full of what I’m calling “Look back Lessons,” in each episode I’ll be sharing new thoughts on how the discussion with a very memorable guest has stayed with me. This week, I’m thrilled to revisit the episode with jewelry designer and entrepreneur, Kris Nations. Kris and her sister Kim are the powerhouse duo behind the “Kris Nations” brand, and she shares how she has grown her business, made time for family, and found inspiration. Kris and I talked all about how to make time for what’s important, which is such a big part of living a joy-filled life.
Let’s move back onto the theme for April, which is “Lookback Lessons.” I’ve found that over the last 80 episodes, there have been a handful of discussions that have honestly changed my own trajectory. There’s always an aha moment for me, in every interview, and some of these have been more profound or more long lasting than others. I’ve loved it in the past when people like Jess Lively share a bit more about what their own show has meant to them, and so I wanted to take the time to share three of the conversations that have really stayed with me, and tell you a bit more about how they have inspired me and brought more joy into my life. What’s so funny is that after I chose the three interviews, I looked back at my own site analytics, and these are also the three episodes with the most site visits over the last year.
Kris Nations originally joined me in Season 1, on episode 50, and I have found myself thinking back to our conversation many times since then. I really loved this interview because of what Kris says about how she and her sister work together. She and her sister Kim run the company, and they both have small children. Kris shares about how she and her sister have supported each other as they take time proportionately spend their time between two priorities. There’s something refreshing, and openly accepting that they have realized that they are in a season where their time is limited, and their priorities are split.
In this episode, Kris and I talk about:
– Kris starting her jewelry company 12 years ago
– how she and her sister Kim run the company
– how they have balanced the business together, and their approach of covering for each other as they’ve both had children over the years
– How Kris breaks out the time to spend time with her family while also running a company (become more efficient, and by getting help in her business)
– Kris shares about her organic business growth, and how she has delegated tasks to team members
– How Kris designs her jewelry, and what she has done to grow her skillset over the years
– Kris shares defining moments of being a small business owner and designer
– What Kris has learned and applied to her business, having worked in ad agencies and in dotcoms
– What a healthy level of fear can do for you, and how it can motivate you in your business
– How to tap into your own uniquity, and get past the fear that “everyone is already doing what I want to do so there’s no reason to start”
Resources from this episode:
Kris Nations website (find her whole line of jewelry here)
Find online retailers of Kris’ jewelry
The book, Overwhelmed: How to Work, Play, and Love, When Nobody Has the Time by Brigit Schulte
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