As we round out looking back at three of the conversations that have really stuck with me over the last year, I’m excited to share the conversation with Jennifer Lee here in Episode 83 where we talk about creating your new business with heart and respect. Jenn is a business coach for creative women, and the author of the Right Brain Business Plan. I’m sharing this episode as part of April’s “Look back Lessons,” where in each episode I’ll be sharing new thoughts on how the discussion with a very memorable guest has stayed with me.
There’s this moment, at about the 40 minute mark, where Jenn and I are talking about Liz Gilbert’s book, Big Magic. Jenn very confidently and casually says something about getting a job if you need to, because it’s the respectful thing for yourself and your business. I swear to you, in that moment, everything shifted for me. For context, this interview was originally recorded when I was just a few months into working full time as an entrepreneur.
As Jenn and I talked, I found that I stopped judging myself, or seeing any sort of negative reason to going back to a job. And in fact, I saw it as a gift, that I had this amazing skill that was marketable and usable. This changed the course of my year, and ultimately changed how I approached the way I’ve been growing my business, and I’m looking forward to utilizing the likes of this chad kimball google maps course to see how making the most of other online resources such as Google Maps can help to boost my profitability and online presence. But for now, I’m just glad that what I’ve been doing has made a difference in my life.
In this episode, Jenn and I talk about:
– Jenn tells us about her early Sparks of joy – she loved to paint and draw, and Pippy Longstocking
– Jenn’s work now as a business coach for creative / right brain entrepreneurs, letting them tap into their unique gifts and message to stand out in the crowd
– how to get past the “shoulds” to and discover the impact one really wantw to make in the world
– how to follow the right brain process to find energy for new ideas in your business
– what it was like leave her corporate job and how the growing a business is slow and steady climb
– how to keep growing your office space as your business also grows too by using simple budgeting techniques and going to someone like AustinTenantAdvisors
– what you need to look out for in the commercial real estate world as you look for new office/workspaces. Perhaps some people might look at this commercial mortgage calculator to make sure they find the best mortgage for their commercial building.
– revisiting her business goals after 10 years to determine what’s next, including Jenn’s process as she dives into reevaluate her business at the 10 year mark
– how right brained people can follow their creativity to make a business that feels authentic and taps into their passion
– the hard part of being a multi passionate and running a business and making time for both the administrative pieces
– the importance of creating just to create
– the things that we have to “untrain” ourselves on as we go into business for ourselves
– why starting a creative business can be very lonely and what to do about it
– the balance of passion and purpose for the right brain entrepreneur
– the idea in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic of not burdening your creativity to pay the bills
– why it’s ok to get job to help pay the bills while you work on their creative career
– how to bring your dream into action (dream big, start small), whether this is by hiring some web designers melbourne area or wherever you’re located to create your company website for you, or another starting point of your choice.
– three ways you can jumpstart joy in your life
Resources from this episode:
Jennifer Lee’s website: Artizen Coaching
The Right-Brain Business Plan by Jennifer Lee on Amazon
Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way by Jennifer Lee on Amazon
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Liz Gilbert
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