Compassion International: Sponsoring Nootcharadee

Over the last few years, probably since I’ve had a child of my own, I felt drawn to help support another child, somewhere in the world. When I think of mothers and fathers in poor countries, struggling to feed, clothe, and school their own little boy or girl, it breaks my heart. It seems unfair that Zoom was born into a family in the US, where he immediately had access to hospitals, public schools, clean water.

I had read about how Layla of “The Lettered Cottage” supported a child through Compassion, and about how she and several other bloggers visited sponsored children in Peru. Hop over and take a read. It will seriously tug at your heartstrings.

UntitledOne night, as I was lying in bed, I found my way to the Compassion International website. One little girl in Thailand stole my heart. Her name is Nootcharadee, and she is four. In the photo, she looked determined, perhaps a little frightened, and so very sweet and tiny. I signed up right then and there, because I wanted to help her and help her family. She deserves a chance at an education, at a happy life, and I felt strongly that she needed to know that there is a family half way across the world that jumped at the chance to be a part of her life.

Compassional International does a great job, and it’s a joy to get updates on Nootcharadee. We don’t know that much about her yet, but we’ve gotten a few updates and know that her favorite food is a fried egg, that she has a good friend at school, and that she likes to play in the creek behind her home.

My friend Kristen and I both posting today about our Compassion International children in the hope that others will feel moved to sponsor a child, too. I feel strongly about the work they do, and I feel strongly about supporting children throughout the world. Please take a moment to learn a bit more 🙂 by clicking over to their site.
