Dear Little Zoom,
Sunday will be our first mother’s day together. While it’s traditionally a day to celebrate your mom, I feel like it’s also a day to celebrate you. I want to thank you for picking me to be your mother, for initiating me into this beautiful role. I would have never imagined what joy and love was to come into my life.
On Wednesday we went to a photo shoot. Someone (our friend Katey!) had seen your picture and asked if you would be in an advertisement. You were amazing all day, smiling, so happy, loving the whole experience, acting like a total natural. I kept looking at you sitting on the set, so tiny, and you seemed to say in your own way, “Mama, I’m just fine doing my own thing here. This is fun! Don’t worry.”
The sweetest moment for me was when the producer, who is pregnant and due near your birthday, was holding you. You’d been smiling at her all day and you’d really taken to her. And right then she said,”I hope my baby is just like you.”
I got tears in my eyes when she said it, and tears now when I think about it. I know I had wondered so much what you’d be like before you were born. With every kick or punch I felt from you, I’d wonder about you. I had a deep seated feeling that you would be quite funny (and you are), and that you would love your Daddy in a crazy way (and you do). I remember seeing babies and wondering if you’d be like them. I was touched beyond belief that someone else would see you as I see you, as my sweet, loving baby.
Her words also reminded me to be so grateful of who you are every day. You are happy, you love to smile at people, you laugh easily, and seem to be completely comfortable with who you are.
I hope that I will always remember these days before you can crawl. Tonight you were rolling around between your Dad and I, laughing, kissing, growling at us. It was a perfect family moment, with you just being you.
I will do my best as your Mama to help you remember who you are, who you have always been, and who you were before you came to grace us with your presence. I will celebrate your amazing gifts, what makes you happy, and give you the wings you need to fly as high as you can dream. I know that your being in the world will change you. I know you will not be my tiny little one forever. Just the same, I know that we will remain special, close, kindred spirits.
Little Zoom, I love you and I’m astounded by everything you’ve already taught me. You are a blessing. Thank you for being my baby.
Your Mama