Zoom Friday: Zoom goes to Filoli with his Cousins

We recently went out to Filoli for a little family outing. It’s one of my favorite places around, with lots of gorgeous flowers and a big pretty house. I will share photos of the flowers another day. Since it’s Friday, it’s time for Zoom pictures!

There’s a big field of daffodils that come up every spring on a hill. We showed Zoom the flowers, and they were all about as tall as he is.

We went with my sister and her family. Have I mentioned that Zoom has twin cousins who are just five weeks older than he is? Yep! And he loves them! Here’s a glimpse of his sheer delight at hanging out with them. He really likes to grab their hair and hug them.
three cousins 
It was nice spending time just soaking up the warm spring sun, and hanging out with family. Zoom really liked taking in the sights. I think in this photo, he was watching a woman do somersaults on one of the formal lawns. (and no, I’m not kidding! the warm weather was making people gleeful.)
At the very end of our afternoon we found this sweet chair near some pretty read tulips. Zoom’s a good sitter and he was happy to show off his skills.
Next week, I’ll have some photos of our retreat (which is on Saturday.) I hope to bring a little of the relaxing feel to share with you, here. Let me know if you have any prayer requests; I’d be happy to say a little prayer for you and your family while I’m up hanging out with the Friars. 
Happy Friday and have a great weekend, everyone!