It’s interesting how things evolve. My initial goal in starting to blog was to find an outlet and a community to discuss my involvement with retreats. I very much want to push that part of my life further along. While I didn’t make any official resolutions for 2009, I did start one of the 101 in 1001 lists (not published, but that links to an example of one), and on it was a line item about finding new places to lead retreats. This is definitely part of my plan this year, and its exciting, confusing, and daunting.
At the same time, as I near my 100th post, and look back on the past 5-6 months, I see that my posts seem to be able to be bucketed into several themes. Many go far beyond my retreat world, and what it makes me realize is that it would be nearly impossible for me to have a blog just about retreats. There’s so much more that I’m interested in, so many things that I love, that I would have a hard time sticking to one subject.
So here’s what I’m seeing are my major topics and/or interests. I’m thinking of perhaps narrowing down my “labels” so that they fit into these larger categories, since I do feel like I have waaaaaay too many labels at the moment.
I see my main posting topics to be around:
1. Spirituality and retreats
2. Work and Advertising / Marketing
3. Crafts and fun projects
4. Home projects
5. Health
6. Learning to do new things like Yoga, Improv, etc
7. Travel
How have your ideas on blogging changed since you started? Have you found that things changed once you got into it?
2 responses to “What This Blog is About and How That’s Changed”
I really thought that my blog would be just a way for me to document my life similar to a journal. Something for me to look back on in the years to come. I had absolutely no idea that I would be so many nice people along the way. This has actually been very therapeutic for me. When I started this I was getting over the ending of a 17 year friendship. Then I had another friendship that was destructive. New blogging friends have really taken my mind off of a lot of things. I really enjoy it!
I have so many interests too. I knew that starting out though that my Blog couldn’t be just about one thing. I always intended it to cover everything. 🙂 That way I couldn’t be limited!
I can e-mail you the link to the paranormal group I am in if you’d like. Right now I don’t really want to post it on my blog. I might in the future, but for now I’d really rather not. 🙂 My e-mail: [email protected]