Compassion Quest

A companion page to share information from The Compassion Quest Retreat.

Run by Paula Jenkins and Margaret Riley, Compassion Quest is a one day retreat at San Damiano Retreat. This refreshing and peaceful retreat is designed for those who feel overwhelmed or who are feeling the weight of today’s world. Through mindfulness, creative activities, a labyrinth walk, and meaningful discussions, you’ll learn to let go of your burdens, embrace self-care, and reconnect with your inner joy. Walk away with a renewed sense of hope and a “self care tool kit” full of practical tools to nurture compassion in your daily life. All are welcome to join this restorative day.

Resources from our retreat:

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

Walking a Sacred Path by Lauren Artress

Loving What is by Byron Katie

Self Compassion: The Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

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Here are some of the videos that we shared during our retreat:

Kristin Neff’s compassion break:

Ravi’s Dream Team:

Give to Ravi’s Dream Charity to help The Brain Tumour Charity

Dream Team Followup