Tag: how to
How to Plan a Retreat: Coming up With a Theme
The last time we chatted about how to plan a retreat, we talked a little about the beginning of the process. What kinds of roles you might need, what kinds of things to think about before you jumped in, feet first. If you’d like to tune in to a podcast…
How To Market a Retreat
Marketing for a retreat is one of the key pieces that can also take a lot of time. If you’ve been following along on my “How to Plan a Retreat” series, you’ll note that most of my posts have to do with the retreat itself. Marketing a retreat is an…
How to Plan a Retreat: Locations and Budget Thoughts
This installation of the “How to Plan a Retreat” series takes a break from some of the step by step instructions. Today we’re going to dive into some of the resources that go into planning a retreat. I know first hand that budgets for retreats are often slim. When you look…
How to Plan a Retreat: Using Your Resources
In the world of retreat planning, you often need to rely on the resources you have on hand. Lots of times, budgets are small, and the more you can stretch your dollar, the better! So, here are a few ideas on how to make the most using the things your…
How to Plan a Retreat: Putting Together the Basic Timeline
We’re getting to that point in the retreat planning where you’re putting the peddle to the metal. You’ve put the building blocks in place. You have your theme figured out, you have a team in place, and you’ve put the basics down on paper. Now, how do you put these…
How to Plan a Retreat: Making the Flyer
It’s week three of the “How to Plan a Retreat” series, and this week, we’re tackling: The Flyer. We’ve already looked at “The Beginning,” and “Coming up with a Theme” which are worth a read as we move into this third step. You’ve got a lot of hard work behind…
How to Plan a Retreat: The Beginning
So perhaps you’ve been assigned or delegated or volunteered or hired to help plan a retreat. First of all – Congratulations! You’re going to have a great time, and learn a lot in the process. Someone saw something in you that made you the perfect choice for this role, or,…