Author: Paula
How to Mindfully Choose Love and Joy in Your Life
Today I am joining host Sarah Hawkins of True North Business Management on the Mindful Habits Blog Tour. 13 women, 14 days, 14 ways to bring more mindfulness to the way you do business – and life! Many moons ago, while working in advertising, I began a journey of self…
Meeting Addiction Support with Love and Compassion with Melissa Sue Tucker
Today on the show is an interview with Melissa Sue Tucker of the Addiction Support Podcast. She’s an inspirational and spiritual teacher, and her desire to support those with addiction comes from having two brothers who both have struggled with addiction. If you find yourself in a similar position you…
Burlesque and the Power of Vulnerability with Velvet O’Claire
Velvet O’Claire is a burlesque performer and it’s my pleasure to have her on the show to talk about burlesque and the magic of being vulnerable and authentic. Velvet had her start in Paris at Burlesque Moulin, and recently returned to the states after working in Paris. She’s a self-described…
Finding Connection and Support as an Entrepreneur with Liz Applegate and Julie Houghton
This week’s episode is really special to me. Talking about finding connection and support as an entrepreneur is a topic that hits home, AND, I couldn’t be happier to share this conversation with you because Julie Houghton, Liz Applegate and I are in a mastermind together. We had chatted a…
Five Ways to Add More Joy to Your Life
This week, I share five ways to add more joy to your life – all coming from a possibly unusual source. If you have been following my for a while, you’ll know that Jump Start Your Joy is my second blog (third if you count an anonymous one I started in…
Finding Balance in Your Life: A Free Course
As a coach, I get a lot of inquiries from women who are feeling too busy, overwhelmed, and like they are pulled in way too many directions to be doing anything very well. Finding balance in your life can be complicated. You may feel like your life is run by…