Interview with Danny Wood about Look at Me on Jump Start Your Jo

Sneak Peek: How Does Danny Wood Inspire You?

I’m so excited to share with you that Danny Wood will be on the next episode of Jump Start Your Joy! So excited, in fact, that I’ve pulled together a tiny sneak peek episode for you, where he talks about how his brand new album, Look at Me, came about.

If you would like to listen to the full episode, click here.

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One response to “Sneak Peek: How Does Danny Wood Inspire You?”

  1. Chloe Franklin Avatar
    Chloe Franklin

    Just in case my voice mail didn’t go through I will share my Danny Wood story. After seeing The New Kids on their Main Event tour I realized I wasn’t living my life. My mom had recently passed and after seeing that show I told myself I have got to start LIVING! I identify most with Danny because my mom had breast cancer so I contribute to his Remember Betty Foundation. His new single Hold On is about his mother and after hearing it, it was the first time I was hopeful in dealing with the passing of my mom instead of being sad. Danny is into fitness and that is the next journey I’m on in my life, to be more fit. I love his interactions with the fans. I will post something on Instagram about Danny and I swear an hour later I will get a notification that “Danny Wood liked your post” and that means the world to me! Thank you Danny!!!