The Dream is Free, The Hustle is Sold Separately: The Recession is Bullhonkey with The When I Grow Up Coach

Today I’m pretty excited because I have a little guest post action going on over at Michelle’s blog. She has a cool series she calls “The Recession is Bullhonkey,” and in today’s post I share a bit about my job journey over the last few years.

Here’s my post.

It was October of 2010 and we’d just had our son the month before. I was out to dinner with some friends after going to a retreat with them. My friend Kevin was talking about his job, at a credit union, and how he’d just gotten promoted to a VP spot.

“Do you need any project managers?” I blurted out, knowing I had no desire to return to the job I’d left. The commute, the hot and cold nature of the three owners, the long hours of advertising. All of it left me feeling empty or angry, depending on the day. I could not face going back there.

“Actually,” Kevin said, “We do have a PM that’s going out on maternity leave in January and we need someone to cover her projects for three or four months. It would be freelance.”
My heart skipped a beat. Yes!  And a new adventure! I was totally in.

I loved that job….

Click on over to Michelle’s blog to read the rest!